just watched again

2013.11.23. 23:01 musseln

So, I've just watched the film again but this time I went to Zagreb, Croatia by bus, which city is 200 miles away but I did'nt mind and I really enjoyed it.

I was able to focus more things because I knew the story. Now, I watched how he eats, how he drinks, how he does things. I paid more attentions those kisses. :-) ♥



I liked when he is dancing with girls and a child on the street at the beginning of the film. Sometimes his voice so different, a little bit deeper. But sexy. :-) My favourite part when he is in Aya's drumming class... for children and he's among kids and very enthusiastic and thinks he's good but the kids are better. :-D Otherwise he's good and that laugh and smile... is priceless! So, I think that scene became my favorite.

Okey, what else? His tap dancing is awesome, I wish the choreographers put more into the film. However, it's good to watch him, that dance when he's wearing that purple sleeveless shirt, includes some weird moves from him. I can't explain how and why but there is. Re-watch Donny and Boa's before-sleeping-together-dance, I cannot say anything else but totally amazing and well choreographed. I just still want to be in Boa's place

More SPOILER! When bad guys hit him, I just wanna say, let him alone, he doesn't deserve it, he's a good guy or simple just protect him. And later just care for him. ;-)

So, I think that's it. Unfortunately, there are things, dialogs what I still don't understand, so I need practice more because when I meet Him, I wanna understand everything!

Szólj hozzá!

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